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Club Information

Tampa Bay Sea Kayakers (TBSK) is a unique paddle club which we believe is Florida's best. Past winner of the American Canoe Assn (ACA) "Outstanding Paddle Club in the U.S." Award, we continue with high standards for safety, fun and friendship.  Ways we are unique:

  • We provide opportunities to paddle many interesting waterways in the wider Tampa Bay area, from the Gulf, bays and rivers. From quiet mangroves to open water crossings to barrier islands, we offer a range of paddling adventures for all skill levels.
  • We aim to have fun. We enjoy all aspects of Florida's wonderful nature while respecting it as well. 
  • We provide opportunities for members to learn and practice safe kayaking. We offer free skills and safety training.
  • TBSK has over 20 trained trip leaders which results in more than 60 scheduled trips per year. They maintain proficiency in effective group leadership on the water, including how to rescue capsized paddlers (we stick together).
  • We offer four different levels of paddling trips. We realize that one size of kayak or type of trip does not fit all. Don't let the word "Sea" intimidate you or make you feel you can't belong. Many of our members paddle a recreational type of kayak. Our members have different boats and skill levels.
    • Recreational Level -  Paddles typically less than 5 miles and the pace is leisurely (1-2 mph) with a viewing nature focus. All kayaks - and even SUP's are likely welcomed.
    • Level 1 - Paddles are 5 miles or less with a slightly faster pace (2 mph) in sheltered water and close to shore.
    • Level 2 - Paddles range from 5-9 miles and are at a faster pace (2-3 mph). Open water and crossings may provide exposure to winds and waves. Longer kayaks and spray skirts may be required.
    • Level 3 - Paddles can be over 10 miles and at a brisk pace up to 4 mph and typically cross open water. Sea kayaks (16' or longer) and wearing spray skirts are usually required.
  • We value building friendships
  • We socialize and get to know each other at our monthly:
      • paddle-picnics
      • member meetings (with a guest speaker)
      • newsletter (highlighting paddles, events, members, and speakers)
      • paddle events
  • Ease of connecting:
      • mobile app/website for event registrations and membership rosters
      • zoom monthly meetings / F2F on occasion
      • website forum for members

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