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TBSK Monthly Meeting (Zoom) - Whitewater Paddling in Montana

  • 10 Jan 2022
  • 7:00 PM
  • On Zoom

Join us on Monday, January 10 at 7 p.m. to hear Dave Schmidt talk about paddling whitewater rivers in Montana. Dave will share his journeys and stories of adventure, offering tips for those who may want to add this type of trip to their bucket list. 

Dave is a TBSK board member, trip leader, and webmaster, and also is certified as an ACA Level 2 kayak coastal instructor and L3 skills assessment.

From Dave: "This past July was the sixth trip to Montana with my northern friends to paddle some of the whitewater rivers there. We started a stone's throw from the Canadian border on the North Fork of the Flathead (western border of Glacier National Park). Did a segment each day before moving camp to the next river, eventually ending up at rivers in southern Montana coming out of Yellowstone.

"My focus on paddling really began only about 10 years ago. Before that I spent a few decades mountaineering with lots of non-technical summiting but eventually going to the technical. One thing I've found to be so cool is passing a trailhead I've been on that leads to a summit and a few miles away we're launching our kayaks to go downhill."

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